Sunday, February 5, 2012

Happy Sunday

Today, now, a lovely Sunday just approaching the afternoon.  Bacon still lingers in my house.  David let me sleep in.  Coming in late after a concert.  I just snagged this photo from Elliot. I was cracking up when I went back to bring him a drink. He had written out a code on the sound board for the mics & musicians.  Take a look at his graphics on the bottom of the picture.
 This next picture I also snagged from one of the musicians. It has a cool effect to it.  I really have to say that this was a fun evening.  Thankful that it was not too late, and even more thankful for my friends who came out to hear.

I am certain if you read here often, you caught a wiff of struggle in my heart in my last post.  Thanks to those who emailed and texted me on the subject of mentoring others.  We put ourselves out there to come alongside others, and often that can get messy.  I want to be real, with how I write and I want to be an encouragement too.  Most important is to seek out what Biblical context all of my life falls under. Not just Elizabeth blabbing, but how God views our hearts on those important matters.  I hope when you read, you come away wanting to know more of God's grace, direction and love.

Happy Sunday!!!


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