Saturday, March 8, 2008

One packed day

Today, with all the activities I miss Emily. I am getting glimpses of what it will be like when she goes away to college. She and a friend ventured into the city and spent all day visiting all the things they love. Favorite coffee spot, favorite restaurant, the waterfront. I got to get to see it all. The girls emailed me this evening of all the things they did. If I can figure out how to upload photo's into my post I will share. In all the events of her day, she shared it with me. That is just the kind of girl she is. So thoughtful, knowing her mommy would be blessed by every single picture.

David and I took the boys for a hike. Joy, bliss, and amazement as the boys find a little tiny baby Nute. They each got to pick it up and carefully examine every single detail. Emerson even got in on the action. Then about ten minutes down the trail, right there in the middle of the trail a HUGE nute. Clearly beyond the baby stage. The boys were just so thrilled and that is all they talked about.

Here is what is so fun about kids. As we are walking down the trail I start singing "lions, and tigers and bears-oh my you know from The Wizard of Oz. Well that gets them talking about the story and can you guess what we did during quiet time today? Yep they watched the movie and loved it. I will have to scan Ethan's picture he drew of the witch, the scarecrow and the tinman. It's so cute. For five, he does a really terrific job of creating the story on paper.

While the boys were having their quiet time I ran to Home Depot to get some stepping stones for a muddy area in our backyard. I was going to do it last summer, but never got around to it and we use our backyard all summer long. Two summers ago I sold my lawn furniture and have been on the lookout for new stuff. Today I found it. I fell in love with it. I told my husband that I was going to buy once piece at a time. This way it won't seem to affect our budget and he will not notice until one day he looks out and sees this beautiful set. Ha, ha...he's truly okay with me getting it, but I only want two pieces right now.

The boys LOVE working in the yard. The older they get, the more help I get. It's funny how that just happens over night. We had a great time, with rubber boots and seeding the lawn and getting things ready for all th spring growth we hope to have happen. Every year I do something in the yard which requires the patience to watch it grow. I am always convinced that I did something to prevent growth, but you know something always pops up. So we are all excited to see what happens.

I slept for three hours this afternoon. My husband is a saint. He woke me up in time to kiss and hugs the boys before bed, and the smell of a nice dinner was in the air. He made a lovely dinner and here I sit. It's just a day. A day in our lives, but it's our life and I love it. I love how my boys play, share, and have to work, to work through the small things of life. Tucking in each one and chatting about the day is so enlightening. Hearing what was important to them that day, as they experienced it. So, I sit here on a Saturday evening. My husband is working through college stuff for Emily and I am thinking a bowl of icecream would be good about now. Blessings, elizabeth


  1. WOW! That really was a packed day and it sounds like a wonderful family day too.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving that inspiring comment. I hadn't thought of 'play stations' before.

    I like what you wrote in your profile about being 'truly home' with your children. Thats how I feel about being at home too.

  2. I love your relationship with Emily... it says a lot about her... and even more about you!

  3. Soundsl like a wonderful life and a wonderful family! I love that you took a nap and your husband cooked dinner! Now that's a good man!

  4. A bowl of ice cream after spending a wonderful day with family is my kind of ending. You got to go to Home Depot alone-I'm a little envious. It's my favorite store and usually I am crazy entertaining my little ones while trying to make major decisions like color of carpet, walls, plants, etc. I am glad you got to play in the dirt-we are still under piles of snow and had more this last weekend. Oof!

  5. What a great day. Emily sounds like she had a fun day too. It's such a strange time. You miss them but are excited to see them starting out on a life of there own. The boys should be a real blessing to you at this time. I call my boys the boys too and they keep me just as busy as yours keep you. I love the energy they have. There is nothing like it. I wish I could have some of theirs.


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