Thursday, January 22, 2009

A quiet time of reflection

For the past few weeks I have spent the better part of the boy's napping time in prayer. Our church is hosting a women's event and I have been asked to share my story. There are many people working hard behind the scenes and I know that my part is not just sharing my story but taking time every day to pray for those who are working behind the scenes and for those women who will be attending.

Each day I have reflected on specific events in my life. I have poured through years of journaling and find myself in tears over and over again. Sometimes the tears are mourning once again that little broken girl, sometimes the tears are complete awe and wonder of how specific God has been in so many areas of my life. I am so glad to have these pages to read, to reflect, and to have the tangible evidence of God in my life. I wrote in my journal in March of 1985. I was a first year college student struggling with the normal things that young girls struggle with. One phrase I wrote "Dear Lord help me to live like You would live in the business of life". I go on to talk about a boy I was dating, my studies, and not making the traveling music group. Realizing that music was my passion and I did not make the group. The director pulled me aside, and said that I have had many opportunities in life. This other person has very little and this will esteem her. I was told that I sing much better than she but she needed this more than I did. In my journal I prayed that God would give me a career in music.

Today, as I reflect I chuckle at the sense of humor God truly has. A career in music I asked. Little did I know that career would be providing the opportunities for young musicians in my own home. Little did my 19 year old heart know that God had bigger and better plans when that was my only plan.

I have not had much time to sit and ponder thoughts to be written, but today impressed on my heart is simply that God has always had a plan in my life for His Glory. I may have swayed from His plan, but always He takes me back into His arms of Love and Care. As I pour through the pages of my life, the reflections of how I have so miserably stumbled I thank God for giving me so much to be grateful for, for the blessings bestowed on my family and on me. Even in hard times we don't have to look to hard to find God's plan and purpose.

I can embrace the past with a true Hope for the future. Blessings.


  1. God knows our cares
    He hears our prayers.

    You wanted to sing
    But now you're blog-ing.

    You're a friend indeed
    With a blog I read.

    I thank God above
    for a friend I love!

  2. you are a true inspiration in so many ways!

  3. Isn't it amazing how God has had our minds on similar paths--times of reflecting on our past and seeing the tracing of his hands in our lives all along.

    I love that you are going to be able to share a word of witness to your women. I would love to see a video or to know the crux (anchor/hinge) of your message. I'll be giving a similar talk in February and have been in much prayer about "what" to say.

    Thanks for stopping by today. God's blessings to you and yours this weekend.



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