Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Years Resolution

Here,  I start my New Years Resolution post with, I am in the mood for a dance party.  How come 30 minutes on a treadmill and I can hardly walk away with a smile, and then two hours dancing to 80"s music, sweat flying and I am smiling like nobody's business?  My daughter just answered that question with, "is it all in your head."  Yes, she is correct.  It is.  I am a people person.  The only time I ever showed up at a gym, for almost two years consistently, is when my friend would meet me at the treadmills at 9:00pm.  We would run and chat for 45 minutes and then go upstairs and get a beverage and chat more.  Gym membership is not on the list, but last night dancing with girl friends was a hoot and I am will now become a regular.  
New Year's Resolution One:
Dance with my husband and girlfriends alot.  I loved the night out with girls, but several times in the evening I said, "David would love this."

We are all now settled into the first week of 2012.  My brain cramp last weekend took my New Years blog post and lost it into the atmosphere, so I am starting again.  I actually do have some changes to happen in my life.  It was a new season in my life when all three boys went back to school. I thought I would take a few months to figure out what to do with all that extra time in the day.  I had decided to not keep any tight schedules and enjoy being footloose and fancy free.  Well that changed with one day of the calendar. I found myself dusting off my consulting skills, managing Emily's busy music schedule, and working alongside an angel investment firm, and taking an IP class through Portland State.   Wait, this is NOT footloose and fancy free.  Needless to say my fall season launched an unexpected, God's blessings, kind of season.  As business closed down for the Christmas Holiday I vowed not to pick up, look at, read, or write any business related stuff.  I think I did very well.  I love working, and those of us who love what we do know it's hard to stay away for very long.

I have not yet jumped on the holding your life in your hand technology. I did go and buy paper inserts for my day-timer.  For those of you who are new to paper. It's an actually insert of calendar pages that you write in with a pencil. You can see your entire month wide open without turning on anything. It's a different kind of turning, as in turning a page of paper. With various schedules to juggle I am now going back to keeping a daytimer.

New Years Resolution Two:
Writing out my schedule and keeping track of where I need to be and when.  I also have set up my google calandar, which that part of technology I love, it's just not always held in my hand. I sent my husband an invite, so he can keep track of me, but he thought it was spam.   I have always kept my house calendar for all to see, but with working a little here and there and the more time I have for spending long lunches and coffee's with friends I need to keep tighter hold of myself.

The boys rooms are all in order.  I have gone in and purged and cleaned and upgraded and hung up and put away and wow!!  As they get bigger it's gets so much easier to manage. In that process I spent HOURS with each boy.  They take after their mom.  Ten minutes into cleaning and we would be distracted with reading stories, building Lego sets, and playing games.  It was during this time during our Holiday break that I decided to something different.

New Years Resolution Three: 

Sit, and play, as in a special at home play-date with each boy once a week.  This may sound silly for some. I am with my boys each morning and everyday after school.  I have one on one time when helping with homework, or reading stories, and at bedtime.  I will have those moments of a boy asking for my help or to play and then the reality is I do not sit for hours, or have I made time to hang in one room for hours and what I learned is that I must do this. I have those times with Emily all the time.  It's during those time I discover and learn the mysteries of her heart.  Now, with the boys getting older and our hours of cleaning, I see their need to unwind the mysteries in their hearts and the questions that other little siblings chime in over.  

New Years Resolution Four: 
Some things are private.  I have a big one for number four, and as the month moves along I will blog alot in February about this one.  God is already showing Himself in this number four resolution,  in ways that are amazing.

I love the reality of change and the need for it.  It's a new year, a new beginning.  Even if some of this is taking some of what worked well in other times of my life and adding it back in, it is still new for 2012.  What are some things you are doing different this year.  I would love to hear from you.  All over the nation I see visitors, say hello and share some of your  New Years Resolutions.


  1. Okay... so, first of all... you changed the url for your blog and I didn't know that. So that it something new for me. Changing your url on my Google reader.

    Secondly, I got a dance game for the Playstation3. It really gives me a workout! Unfortunately, I forgot how sexually explicit Michael Jackson's songs were... and they show the words on the screen. Needless to say, Christopher asks me to not play 'Dirty Diana' ever again.

    Finally, I will have to look into this thing called 'paper'... are you able to use this paper with Facebook? If not... well, I don't think it will work out for me.

    ps LOVE YOU!

  2. I love how you had to explain about paper calendars! Too funny...

    I only use my 8x11 calendar to keep our family in check. I just can't figure out one more techy thing right now. I have some personal goals for 2012, but I mostly keep them in my heart. That being said, I could use some accountability!

    Praying for a good start to your new year. We have so much to look forward to!



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