Thursday, March 31, 2011


It is very hard to accept the simple fact that I am way out of shape and overweight. For most of my life I could commit three weeks to running and drop any extra weight. Extra weight was 5-10 pounds, not 30-40 pounds. Ouch did I really just type those digits? I did and it is my reality. I have never committed to a diet. I have read the fine print and watched many go on and off diets and it always come down to healthy choices and E.X.E.R.C.I.S.E. for me.

I have always had for the most part an inner confidence in myself. Going beyond the exterior and trying to see my heart as God sees my heart. Excusing the extra weight in exchange for a healthy baby boy named Eric. It was that pregnancy I gained 75 pounds. It was actually very easy. Have a condition that limited walking, forget exercise and a tummy that vomited salads and baked chicken, but could easily keep down a BK Broiler. The entire pregnancy fueled by fast food and treats. Yes, that will get you numbers on the scale.

As the years (Eric just turned seven) have unfolded I have been known to say that without any real exercise I have lost 10 pounds a year without trying.  Even had another pregnancy and kept that pregnancy weight under 23 pounds and lost all that weight within six weeks still carrying the extra from being pregnant with Eric.

So why do I write about this now? Our church is sponsoring a ladies run in June. (If interested in more info you can go to Not Your Own -- Helvetia Walk/Run on Facebook or

I signed up to be part of this. I am scared to death. Really, really really scared. I don’t feel comfortable talking about what is to come, what I must do, and how I am to get there. I love walking, running, playing tennis and riding bikes and horses. All this was my lifestyle, which did not require a special trip to the gym. Throw on some good shoes and go. That is not my lifestyle today. I have told myself every day that I would get up before the boys and jump on the treadmill. I have told myself every day that I would take the plastic off the DVD workout I bought three years ago. It is still in the plastic wrap. It comes down to one thing. I have no motivation, no will power, and no one putting a fire under me and making me move more.

The one thing I have going for me is that I do eat and feed my family in the most healthful ways. We eat good and hardy. I do yoga, on my own 1-2 days a week which allow me to run after my boys, hike up a mountain when the mountain calls and if I had to run for my life I supose I could. None of which get me moving on a regular basis. That regular basis would allow me to jump into a race when the signs go up. Instead I want to run and hide.  The past few years I am the one who shows up at the local races to hold everyone's stuff and take the pictures at the finish line.

I am not sure posting this and making my shortcomings public will serve me immediately, but is there anyone else who struggles like this. Not the struggle of a diet and keeping to it, but the struggle to just get out there and exercise. Do that run, do that walk, and do that DVD workout.

If you are a Solid Rock lady who wants to be part of this HUGELY Healthful event and need help getting moving, know that you are not alone. I am right there with you, still telling myself daily that this is the day I will do something. In the past two weeks I have “moved” six out of fourteen times. That is six more times than the past six months. So I know I will get there. I want to encourage anyone who reads this. It’s not enough for me to have someone say, “you can do it.” It is not enough for me to look in the mirror and tell myself that for a chubby gal I am dang cute” really I said that to my daughter the other day and I think she about choked from laughing so hard.  I was feeling down on my lack of exercise and needed some good self talk. haha!

In the same way I have the inner confidence that God sees my heart, He also sees the exterior. Daily I go to Him to work on my heart and be the best Elizabeth I can be. Now it’s time to go to Him to become the best physical Elizabeth I can be too. I want to be that healthy person God wants me to be. I am an older mom and I really really really need to do my best to stay in shape to keep up with my boys. Our season will be shifting soon. Tennis, bike riding, and hiking will become our regular routines and I want to be there, right there with my boys.

As the weeks begin to unfold I am challenging myself publicly and challenging you to do the same. Whether jumping into a race in June or just wanting to move more the challenge is to E.X.E.R.C.I.S.E. Will you join in the challenge? With summer activities, the great outdoors the challenge is to move more and E.X.E.R.C.I.S.E.

I am not going to start hardcore every single day. I am not challenging myself to do something big or small each day. My goal is to work up to daily movements outside of my mommy day routines. I am looking forward to this race. I am planning on running it. I use to run long distances and loved it before. I know that if I can drop this extra weight I would enjoy it again. So join me, and thousands of others who just want to E.X.E.R.C.I.S.E. more. Blessings Friends, Elizabeth


  1. Good job Elizabeth. You can do it! The speaker at the runners clinic said, "It doesn't matter how fast you're going as long as you're moving forward." Start slow with an attainable goal. And work from there. He also said to run for minutes, not miles. When you do a "longer" run on the weekend, then you go for mileage. See if you can run for 30 minutes three times a week. I know you can. I'm proud of you.

  2. I just read this, Elizabeth, and am smiling to myself. My darling husband, upon his retirement last July, promptly went to a VERY nice local gym and signed both of us up, without asking me. Don't get me wrong....I wasn't offended or anything like that. I wasn't all, "How DARE you insinuate that I need this!" I had been a gym member from my late teens until about 15 years ago, when life just got too darned busy to deal with it. After that, I faithfully exercised at home for another five. Then, after a few minor illnesses, my motivation just flew out the window. So here I am, still with my gym membership that I've used maybe five times since last July. I need the same motivation you do. And I'm still waiting for it. Always with the excuses, always with the lack of energy, always finding something else to do....aaauuuuuuuuugggggghhhhhhh! It's driving me crazy. Or should I say, I'm driving myself crazy? Gotta get moving. You are inspiring me to start.....thank you! Let's see how this goes. I know we can do it! :)

  3. Susan, For some reason the saying keep movin' keep movin' keep movin' resonates in my mind. Praying that you take it one day at a time, by moving more. Love and Blessings.


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