Saturday, May 16, 2009

Challenges of My Heart

I can not help but share those things that challenge my heart. It's in that challenge I see clearly what God is asking of me. The challenge comes when I struggle to surrender to God's will. I have never been one to really ask or second guess when I feel and know the Holy Spirits leading in my life.

When I am wrestling with whatever it may be, I know that there will be a lot of work ahead, alot of me having to give up more of myself. I can look back on so many times when I have said "God, you have the wrong Elizabeth, I am not so strong, I can't do this wah, wah, wah." Then I surrender and work through and on the other end the blessings are more than I could have imagined.

I have wrestled for several months with three things. First homeschooling, second writing a book, and third hiring a fitness trainer. All three creep into my heart and head on a regular basis. I have these mini-faith-building-moments that encourage me in these three areas, and yet I struggle and this is where the challenge begins. The struggle and wrestling with what I want to do, and what I know God is calling me to do. I am not a home school kind of mom, I am not a good writer, and a fitness trainer would mean accountability and some extra money. Yet my heart is heavily convicted on all three accounts.

In the next three blogs that follow I want to address each challenge I am faced with and how God has shown me favor and confidence. It's just one of my small journeys. However I believe all three are worth sharing. I can't wait to share how God is working, intertwined into every aspect of my life what has happened in the surrendering of His will not mine.


  1. I so look forward to seeing where the Lord leads you. It is always scary when we must do something outside of our comfort zone. Know that there are lots of us who homeschool and we can help you there. As far as the other two, know that we will be praying for you. I am blessed to be able to read your thoughts and follow along with you. Thank you so much for being honest and open with all of us. May your day be a blessing to you. Much love always.

  2. Elizabeth,

    I am so glad you stopped by to see me because I have found many treasures here!

    I look forward to following up with you on these decisions...walking with you as you listen for His voice to discern. This godly decision-making always interests me, because I find He never seems to speak to me the same way twice. I am discovering that the listening is a sacred way of drawing close.

    His grace,

  3. I will be praying for you on each of these decisions. Homeschooling seems like it would be hard with more than one child. I think you can write because I read your blog and it's good. Fitness trainer, this would be the hardest of all for me. I know you will follow where God leads and I am glad to follow you on this journey.

  4. This is where we walk it through friend! Wrestle your thoughts out through these post, and let me know when you do post! Honestly, I don't want to miss these, but can't keep up with everyone; so, please let me know when you've posted.

    Faith, dear one; steps of faith. If your heart is being prompted, don't wonder if it's God. Trust me. It's GOD!



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