Friday, February 6, 2009

My Testimony

This evening I will be sharing my story. I have been praying and preparing for weeks. It's very humbling to have been asked to share what my life has been like. My life's resume does not qualify me in my own eyes, but through the eyes of our Lord Jesus He is now saying today is the day.

Today is the day to stand firm on the foundations that I have laid out for you. God wants to take that which I have lived out and use it for His glory. I just pray that I can give Him complete glory for His ever present place in my life. For the first couple of weeks following being asked I deeply struggled.

I would cry out in prayer as I truly felt my life was not worthy to stand up among women and proclaim what God has done in my life. Because it has been through my many foibles that He has stepped in and renewed my heart to His. I guess I never sat down to really outline my life and realized just how many steps backwards I would take before God finally got my attention.

So now it is truly with the confidence of the Holy Spirit's leading that I can stand before the hearts of women and share God's love, mercy, grace and judgements on my life. If you read this today please pray for this evening.

Needless to say I have had been sick all week. Some might think..."oh know, honey get well quick", but it has given me much time in bed, Bible in hand to prayer over all who are making this night happen, reflect on the scriptures and lay out my heart before God.

Please take a moment and pray...will you? Blessings


  1. Wondering how it went for you also. Hoping that you know what a blessing you are. :)

  2. I hope it went well for you. I'm sure you did a great job.

  3. Elizabeth... looking forward to how God is continually using you! Blessings!

  4. Prayed. Prayed througout the week.

    Let me know how it went.

  5. I can't wait to hear about it. I wouuld have definitely been there rather than at the funeral I was attending!

  6. awesomely fabulous amazing and wonderful- you blessed many- many-


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